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Export/ Import a Swift App

Login to Swift App Design Studio

Login in to the App Design Studio using your Swift admin account:

Click on the Applications tab from the side bar. This will open up the app designer page.

Export a Swift Application

Click on the export option against the app of your choice

  • Press the export button
  • Your app will be downloaded on your local machine

Import a  Swift App 

You can either import the same app on a different account or even in the same account later on.
Click on the Import button in the Applications screen:
  • Select a file from the local directory
  • Press Import

  • Now to give end-user access rights to the imported app, click on the users tab from the side bar
  • select the app from the dropdown and click save

Return to the applications page and press the play button to login to the end-user app

Your imported app will work the same way as your original app