That’s Modern Marketing
in the Cloud

Oracle Marketing Cloud is the only Modern Marketing solution with data management and activation that lets you personalize cross channel, content and social marketing.

Data Driven

Powerful data-driven solutions can create sophisticated, personal, and consistent customer experiences. Tools for designing, deploying, and testing email marketing campaigns deliver insights and results.


Oracle Marketing Cloud helps marketers design cross-channel customer experiences that are personalized and sophisticated. It brings deeply integrated technologies and insights together to help marketers realize their goals.


Through Oracle Marketing Cloud’s Engage, reps can easily create campaigns from any device creating real time engagement. This flexibility gives sales teams a powerful sales tools suite to improve performance.

Personalized at Scale

It’s easy to make data from disparate sources useful, create precisely targeted audiences, and then empower customers to determine their own next experience by interacting with them in near real-time.

Multivariate Testing

Ease of use and expanded capabilities ensure that marketers will maximize engagement, conversion, and revenue on every customer touch-point.

Rapid Retargeter

Marketers can now re-engage customers in real time to ensure follow through to purchase after customers visit their website.

Your customer has changed, and how you market needs to change accordingly. To increase revenue and optimize efficiency, modern marketing requires fast and connected tools, mobile productivity, insightful and cross-channel marketing. You need more and you need it now.


Success Stories

  • V/Line to roll out Swift no-code app automation platform across the enterprise

    V/Line – the public transport service of Victoria state, Australia to roll out Swift no-code app automation platform Warehouse Mobility for V/Line V/Line – the public transport service for Victoria state, Australia – provides 1,997 train services and more than 1,472 coach services between Melbourne and cities across the Victoria state. V/Line has signed a contract

    June 29, 2024
  • Shelf Drilling selects Swift to mobilize and optimize their procurement processes

    Shelf Drilling selects Swift to mobilize their procurement processes Mobilizing and optimizing procurement processes using Swift Shelf Drilling is a leading contractor of jack-up rigs. Incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands with Management headquartered in Dubai and rig operations across Southeast Asia, India, West Africa, North Sea and MENAM (Middle East, North Africa

    June 28, 2024
  • BC Transit signed a multi-year contract to roll out Swift no-code app automation platform

    BC Transit signed a multi-year contract to roll out Swift no-code app automation platform Mobilizing warehouse for BC Transit From small towns to large urban centers, BC Transit – a provincial crown corporation – transports more than 57 million customers in communities across the province every year! BC Transit has signed a multi-year contract with

    June 27, 2024
  • Eastern Propane & Oil automates Time Entry and optimizes Routes using Swift

    Eastern Propane & Oil – one of the premier propane distributors in the Northeast uses Swift for Mobile Time Entry & Route Management? Time Entry & Route Management apps using Swift no-code platform Eastern Propane & Oil – US 15th largest propane gas retailer with 100,000 plus residential & commercial customers uses JD Edwards

    April 26, 2024