What does Oracle buying Cerner mean for value-based healthcare in 2022 and beyond?

Oracle’s $28 billion dollar bet on healthcare

The last week of this year has seen a historical multi-billion dollar deal by Oracle for the leading U.S. supplier of healthcare IT solutions Cerner. 

With the acquisition of this health cloud’s wealth of data, Oracle is poised to attain a strategic and notable footing in an increasingly complex and growing market.

Oracle acquires Cerner – Onlooking the healthcare landscape in 2022 and beyond

The deal has stirred the stakeholders and tech platforms in the healthcare industry, in anticipation of the specifications of this partnership. With Oracle’s sophisticated cloud infrastructure, digital experience technologies and open integration combined with Cerner’s more than 25% share of the health records, the digital transformation of the healthcare tech space looks promising and exciting!

As Oracle’s healthcare and emerging tech partner, and a member of the customer advisory board, with strong digital health app automation experience, we think that this acquisition will engender a connected, value based and outcome driven change in the healthcare industry across hospitals in the US.

In addition to the backend access of electronic healthcare patient data, the Cerner deal also brings their various data tracking, health infrastructure management and analytic tools into the mix. Cerner is already known for aiding in the development of health outcome specific tools and digital apps such as for predicting sepsis and AI based risk prediction of disease development. 

There is a lot of potential for such predictive digital health apps and tools that can be tapped into by leveraging Cerner’s patient health records combined with Oracle Cloud applications and AI infrastructure. 

As Oracle’s healthcare and emerging tech partner, and a member of the customer advisory board, we think that this acquisition will engender a connected, value based and outcome driven change in the healthcare industry across hospitals in the US.

Given our experience of creating patient centric care experiences by combining the patient records with digital technologies like Internet of Things and Machine Learning, we understand the utility of employing AI to understand patterns in big health datasets that ultimately improve patient outcomes. 

In our opinion, Oracle’s tech leadership and digital transformation expertise can enable seamless transfer and interoperability of patient health records across different hospital systems. Additionally, Cerner Consumer Framework can enable rapid digital health app creation through Oracle’s partners and vendors who bring experience from the healthcare industry such as ourselves. 

Overall we think that healthcare in the US is at a tipping point for a systemic change and Ephlux as Oracle’s partner and with years of experience in healthcare is prepared to render their expertise in this imminent transformation journey. 

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