- August 2, 2010
- Posted by: admin
- Categories: Blog, Career Growth, Communication, Corporate Culture, Enterprise Agility, Human Resource Management, Relationship management
We all require admiration for the efforts we put into our work. It is important for anyone to know which direction one is heading towards. Furthermore, it is always useful to get rapid feedbacks, not only from your supervisors but more importantly from your peers and subordinates (who can liberally provide their honest opinions).
It is generally observed that the feedbacks are not given when it is critically required which can foster de-motivation among employees. Especially from an employee point of view, there’s nothing better than being recognized for the work they do and every little effort they put in their work to make it a success.
Recognition can be both monetary and non monetary, it’s not always the monetary benefits that one desires to get; at times verbal appreciation can do wonders which is normally considered as an under rated method of praising somebody’s work.
Would like to know, what suggestions based on your personal experience would you give on how to honor/praise employees’ efforts, thereby maintaining a contented and motivated workforce?
That is absolutely, positively true. Research shows that people leave their jobs because of a lack of appreciation not compensation! IT IS possible for you to create a workplace where people feel they are listened to, recognized and appreciated, and where profitability grows.
Employees value these organizations by staying longer, doing more, helping each other do more and contributing to the growth and development of their company. Money, position and power are one small part of the formula when it comes to taking care of our most valuable assets, the people who comprise our workforce.
Cultures of appreciation contribute to cultures of power, passion and profitability because people know they matter! Appreciation is part of the vitality of relationships and vital relationships are what produce the best that our companies have to offer.
Standard Operating Procedure for Appreciation at work Program:
Print “Appreciation Cards” @ 10-15 for every employee.
2. In the morning, HR person greets everyone who comes to work @ the reception and distributes the cards.
3. Each employee has to to write something they appreciate about someone else in the company
4. In the afternoon, HR collects all the cards.
5. HR collates the feedback and laminates it employee wise
6. Announce “Most Appreciated Employee” prizes for each team/department. Prize could be a ” Company branded Wooden Frame” to put all their appreciations on.
part of the gallup Q12 questionnaire is specifically related to this topic – I believe the question is something like “In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work?”. Gallup Q12 is a measure for engagement of your workforce, so since it is one of the 12 questions, recognition defenitely is important.
This recognition comes in various ways – going from a manager or a colleague giving you a thumbs up or telling you you did a good job, to be recognised for a job well done on the notice boards in your company. Mars has a number of recognition programs in place as we know how important it is to recognise people for their efforts, especially (but not only)when they go that extra mile to make things happen.
The question of appreciation at work put different elements on the light. The feedback we can receive from peers or subordinates is important to know where we are in term of quality level, in term of achievements.
In complex organizations where everybody is playing a key role in process chains, it is important to define clearly goals and objective in order to know what we are expecting from you, which direction we have to take, and to understand the importance of the processes we are running. Peter Drucker was saying that the management by objective is usefull if you assigns goals and objectives, but in 90% of the case, people ignore the objectives. If you define such element, you are giving the feeling to the people to be member of a teamwork. This is maybe a first way of recognition.
Feedback is important to see exactly if our work is matching with the expected result. You can see if you are going in the good direction, the direction of the target needed to be reached. If it is not the case, it gives you the opportuity to understand the mistake you eventually did, and to take the appropriate actions. As on a sailing boat, your GPS gives you your position on a regular basis, and it helps you to determine and to correct the way you have to follow to reach your destination point.
Appreciations and recognition of the work done means also the recognition of your capabilities, your knowledge, and your resposibilities.
Appreciation does not mean only to pay more money for reaching target, but also verbal appreciations which could be very helpful on a psychological level, and particularely in stress periods.
I would like to mention this quote of Peter Drucker: The reason of organization is to give the opportunity to ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
A more basic look at this answer is going through a particular project/task that has been hard work or a challenge for the employee and talking through how they did it. I think people feel proud when line managers/peers are (almost) in awe of what they have achieved. Public recognition, is not for everyone, but may also be another way of showing appreciation.
Taking someone for lunch and making them feel special and appreciated will never go out of fashion!
Dear Salima, in your questions, you have touched two points.
1) …. Supervisors Appreciation & Its importance for a motivated workforce
2) …. Importance of Feedback from peers & subordinates
I am discussing only first point, as the second is another topic, touching your social skills & relationships.
Appreciation is nothing but adding some value to the person sense of achievements. Many times, it is simple recognition, for his/her achievement, by others. It can be shorter interaction of something interesting came across in our lives, like we see something beautiful & appreciate its beauty.
It can be a life time part (our company, spouse, profession) too. In organizational setting, appreciation / recognition is little bit simple. Our objective is clear. We need a motivated workforce, to achieve organizational targets. Right?
So, how to motivate them is simple! As we move up the organizational pyramid, involvement in the key decision making will keep us motivated for the organizational objectives. Close to the bottom of pyramid, the monitory benefits will work more. And we can adjust the mixture of both, for the middle ones. That’s the most simple answere for this question.
But, this is not enough. Many times, people are just working for the organizational / team objective, without any appreciation or monitory benefits at all. All revolutionary movements do not require regular motivational letters for the believers or even monitory benefits. Some of them, even putting their resources to achieve organizational objectives. So, why they are so motivated?
They are just clear enough about their objectives, which keep them motivated. So, the clarity in organizational objectives & its linkage with the every person in the organization is far more important tool to keep every person motivated.
Let me suggest what will impact their lives the most. Find a way to creatively celebrate their character. I will explain in a moment. You see, sadly, for most people the first time their choices (character) in life are recognize is after their death, we call it a eulogy. The person that needs to hear those words is the only one in the room that cannot. HOW SAD! So, how can we celebrate their character. It’s really simple, follow the D.I.B. process. Definition, Illustration, Benefit. On a beautifully framed certificate or a stylish mug or watch, (be creative here) you can share a specific quality that comes to mind when you think of them. For a great list of qualities, check out web page I included in my post. I’m not selling something, it’s free.
Include the definition of the character quality on whatever gift you choose followed by the specific illustration of what they did to demonstrate that virtue. Finally, the most important part, the benefit. Tell them how their choices positively impacted the team, their supervisor, the company, the clients and customers, as well as the community surrounding everyone. This fulfills their number one need, to be encouraged and to know that their life made a real difference.
I hope this is helpful, I am not that good at writing my thoughts and especially my passion concerning this key principle. If you would like more details, feel free to message me.
I hope you have great success as you seek ways to care for your people.
* http://www.characterfirst.com/assets/CFDefinitions.pdf
Whether they vocalize it or not, all people like being recognized for doing good work, for going above and beyond.
In this day and age though, too many employer recognition programs get diluted with awards and recogntion going to people for just showing up and doing the job they are paid to do.
One of the most fun and well-received award programs I experienced was at a manufacturing firm where employees were allowed to grant small cash awards to other employees when they noticed exemplary efforts. It was all handled through the payroll system.
I do agree that non-monetary awards can be very effective. Publicly recognizing the accomplishment can also be very motivating, even if a lot of employees won’t admit that it is.
To often public praise is put out there to help promote the praiser.
Many people do not like to be praised in public, but everybody appreciates being appreciated. So if your really sincere, do your praising in private.
I want to share job characteristics theory.
Variety = job requires a number of different activities that involve a number of different skills and talents.
Identity = job requires completing a whole, identifiable, piece of work from beginning to end with a visible outcome.
Significance = job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, particularly people in the world at large.
Variety [v]
Identity [i] Meaningfulness of work
Significance [s]
Autonomy = job provides freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual performing the work.
Autonomy [a] Responsibility for outcomes
Feedback = job provides the worker with clear information about how well he or she is performing.
Feedback [f] Knowledge of results
S Satisfaction with the work itself
Work it self is way to honor or praise employees.
360 Degree Feedback
The 360 degree feedback approach involves collecting performance information not just from the supervisor but from anyone else who might have first hand knowledge about the employee’s performance behaviors.
Most 360 degree feedback systems also ask the employee to provide ratings of his or her own performance.
* http://www.mhhe.com/colquitt
Not sure of the accuracy of this statement: “We all require admiration for the efforts we put into our work. Being outer directed or outer esteemed is the biggest factor in creating a form of dependency. I don’t want your appreciation or (approval) approved of. What I want is acknowledgment that I worked my butt off, turned out some good work and should give my self a high five for my exceptional work and a big grateful thank you from you would be appreciated.
To many times my “proudness” and “appreciation” for what you did is manipulative, transparent and shallow. Especially if it starts with the letter “I”, because that makes it about you not me. You shouldn’t even be part of the equation of appreciation if it’s about me.
A couple of tickets to a play, a dinner for two at a nice restaurant, a book, CD or DVD as an acknowledgment of an over the top performance would show appreciation especially if it were hand picked to match that persons likes and preferences
Maintaining a contented and motivated workforce is accomplished more by day to day inter-action, connecting with employees as humans not chimps to be trained and groomed so they perform well. I’m a hard worker, self motivated and what works best for me is to let me do my thing and don’t come off with some jackass policy that treats us all as simpletons, minions or idiots.
Doing nothing is sometimes better than something especially if it isn’t coming from sincerity and is only superficial praise for your benefit.
Acknowledge on a personal, monetary and corporate level the contribution.
There is hardly anything more valuable than showing appreciation towards one’s employees at work for jobs well done, stepping up to the plate, making that big sale or whatever the employees have done that merits special attention. Even to the group as a whole, with office lunches, when things are going well, a Friday Chinese take-in day, or whatever. People need to know they are doing well or have surpassed themselves. Sometimes just a word will do, praise goes a long way. Other times mentioning the achievement to the company at large. The more you give, the more you get. I have found that my employees need and enjoy little things throughout the work year. We have had Halloween parties with costumes. The lunches I mentioned. Of course speaking with them to tell them how awesome they are. Or how well the team is doing. Taking them out for dinner at holiday times. Keep the atmosphere upbeat and positive. It’s really up to the head of the department or owner of the company, such as me, to initiate and sustain that sense of valuableness among employees. Humor goes a long way too. If you can’t have fun at work, then there is something lacking to my way of thinking. We work hard, why can’t you have some fun at times? It takes so little to praise someone’s good efforts, think about it. Just do it.
There is a great book out that touches on the motivation of people, and how they are wired when it comes to what drives them. It’s called “Get Motivated” by Tamara Lowe. I really learned a lot of practical knowledge that I have applied and it is amazing how it works. I found out about the book from my pastor’s wife.
One of the main concepts is the motivational dna model she explains. It is a way of identifying the way that people are motivated as individuals, and how to treat that type of person, communicate with them, and be effective at it.
The link that I have posted below is to her website, and it has a short test that you can take that will tell you what motivational dna you have. It blew me away when I read the results, and has brought me a much greater understanding of myself and others as well.
* http://www.getmotivatedbook.com/Test.aspx
I have always been supportive of 360 feed back styles, where your supervisor, subordinates, customers, and peers rate your work. To me that style of performance evaluation paints a clearer picture and will eliminate any perceived shortcomings from your direct boss.
From my personal experience, I like to be appreciated by everyone, and not just my direct report, peers, customers or subordinates.
When ever any of the listed above sends an appreciation email, it truly motivates me and I archive it in a special appreciation folder.
I have found public emails where all concerned parties gets a CC as the best tool, it gets documented, and conveniently reaches many audience.
Public approbation of team/individual work well done by someone the collective recognizes as a significant thought leader has all the health benefits of a multiple orgasm , you know the toe curling one, to the human body , all good , nothing bad to the organizational body, my experience.
1. Sincerity
2. Deliver with a smile
3. Make it personal
4. Avoid favouritism
5. Spread the praise
6. Praise in group format too.
7. Add caveats, “well done, I hope you appreciate the part miss/mr x played in your success here too, please pass on my thanks to them”
I consider this is very important, and do not think of anything more important than this in managing people and work.
Dear Salima,
Interesting discussion initiated!
Well appreciation is very important at work and otherwise as well – one must remember individuals want to be appreciated and always give a positive response to appreciation received – so its number one tool to build an upbeat organization.
In organizations where there are formal forums and programs available to recognize and appreciate individual efforts the same can be used BUT one can never underestimate the power of the manager or peer sincerely praising efforts …it works wonders and promotes a healthy work culture. It’s a tool many leaders use and it’s a tool that also makes leaders!!!
Best regards,
I am of the opinion that if I do my work truthfully,honestly,on time,I do not need any appreciation,from anybody.
Let me quickly add that appreciation, in general acts as a catalyst,in a workforce,from time to time.afterall,we are all human beings,so we need someone to pat on our shoulders and say a very few kind words.
It will spell a magic on every one if he/she is appreciated,atleast once in a way.
I used to have a colleague who used to get firings for his works,though he would work very hard.He lost his temper and went straight to Manager’s cabin to put out his steam.Manager handed over a letter,with a smile.The letter mentioned,that in appreciation of his sincere,hard work he is rewarded two advance increments.
My friend came to me with tears in his eyes.I just told him,enjoy the fruits of hard work