How to Increase Traffic to your Blogs?

Blogging has its own importance these days because companies can easily and cheaply promote their products and services through it. This way, they can stay connected with their customers and can also get their precious feedbacks. Blogging
Blogging not only helps in bringing traffic to your site but also facilitates in building a positive brand image and increasing one’s reliability. Besides, it also assists in strengthening relationship with the prospective customers. It is however very imperative to put relevant information that creates interest among the readers so that more people can find it useful and can participate on it. In addition, bloggers usually opt for informal mode of communication in order to be more effective and produce desirable results.
Please share your thoughts on this. Besides, what suggestions would you give in order to increase traffic to your blogs?


  • Ed Han

    1. Cross-post links to new blog entries via other social media (e.g., LI status update, FB, Twitter, etc).
    2. Comment on the blogs of others addressing related subjects. Bloggers love commenters.
    3. Tag and keyword richness will help tremendously for those searching for blogs addressing given topics.
    4. A predictable and easily-understood update frequency.

  • Sarah Matthews

    Agree with Ed’s response and have three things to add. Firstly, as with face to face networking, the same golden rule applies to social networking – ‘give before you take.’ You can’t expect someone to comment on your blog or RT your tweet if you don’t do that for others. Secondly social networking communications are ‘a moment in time’ so are easily missed so you do need to be circulated more than once. Finally ‘content is king’ Unless you have something interesting to say in your blog it won’t drive traffic to your site and it won’t be picked up by search engines.
    Sarah Matthews also suggests this expert on this topic:
    * David Hollands-Hurst

  • Eric Saint-Guillain

    There are many ways to increase the traffic to your blog. Despite the fee you can pay to improve the ranking of your blog, the most important thing to increase the traffic on a long term basis and on a sustainable way, is the regularity of postings and the content quality. People will visit your blog because they know they will find interesting informations, ideas, … To publish updates through other media like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn contribute also to increase the traffic to your blog. Interact also with other blogs, by sharing comments and ideas. By looking to your comments, people will visit your blog.

  • Christine Hueber

    Post consistently and guest blog, Salima.

  • Wallace Jackson

    Superior Content that has value to the masses.

  • Erica Friedman

    Because I’ve this same question here a number of times, I’m just going to put the link to “Who Needs to Know About Your Blog” here. This is my somewhat counterintuitive guideline to creating ripples in your sphere of influence and driving traffic to your blog.

  • Cheryl Roshak

    Great question, Salima, and great answers from everyone. I find this thread to be enormously helpful and informative. Thanks all! 🙂

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