Ephlux facilitates a Financial Trading and Research Company's ascension to the Web 2.0/Social Media paradigm

Ephlux equips a rising British Financial Trading and Research Company with state of the art technology, building a competitive web presence equipped with latest financial tools.



Ephlux was approached by a Financial Services provider from the UK. The company was looking to build a strong presence over the web as it needed to reach out to its target markets spread across the world.
The company wanted to provide its services to its customers online. The customers must be able to browse and subscribe to financial updates, financial news, education and other important information. This web application had to be integrated with a payment gateway for e-commerce functionality. The back-office required user management and registration features.
Furthermore, the company required a dynamic website along with a marketing blog to make regular changes as a part of its regular content marketing activity. To further boost its online presence, the client needed a strong presence among popular social networking channels.


The design team and business analysts quickly rolled out an action plan and came up with the design mock up with enhanced functionalities to give the client a flavor of what’s being cooked.
The client approved the design after a few iterations of changes. Most of the proposed features were discussed and applauded. In the meantime, the development team started building a customized CMS for the web application. Along with website design and development, the design team also started customizing one of the strongest Open Source blogging solutions, WordPress, as suggested in the analysis document.
The most significant feature of the application besides a state of the art, professional design were the financial tools which customers can utilize for predictions of financial market trends. The development team worked out on complex financial formulae and came up with appropriate, accurate and effective tools swiftly.


Ephlux delicately maintained the needs/expectations of the customer throughout design and development phases. Ephlux also helped integrate the presence of the company over multiple social networks including Twitter and Facebook, in line with the portal’s design philosophy. Additionally the website was sharable and enabled RSS feeds to help it stand out from the crowd.
The outcome – a satisfied, relaxed client, happy to be in safe hands. The company is about to ink the second phase of the project with Ephlux, which shall include advanced financial analysis, tools, custom graphs and complex projections.

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